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In Favor of House Bill 6914
An Act Concerning Demolition Licensure and Demolition Permits
On March 3, 2015, IIAC President, Warren Ruppar, presented the following testimony to the Public Safety and Security Committee:
Senator Larson, Representative Dargan and members of the Public Safety and Security Committee, my name is Warren Ruppar and I am President of the Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut.  The Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut is a trade association which has been located in Connecticut and has represented independent agents for 116 years. IIAC currently represents more than 400 member agencies and their associates as well as their 3600-plus employees. I come to you today to speak in favor of House Bill 6914.
House Bill 6914 will clearly define that the town or city and its agents shall be saved harmless from any claim arising out of negligence of the applicant or the applicant’s agents or employees during the demolition.
The Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut urges the committee to support HB6914.
In Favor of Senate Bill 4
An Act Concerning the Electronic Presentation of
Automobile Insurance Identification Cards
On February 9, 2015, IIAC President, Warren Ruppar, presented the following testimony to the Insurance and Real Estate Committee:
Senator Crisco, Representative Megna and members of the Insurance and Real Estate Committee, my name is Warren Ruppar and I am President of the Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut.  The Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut is a trade association which has been located in Connecticut and has represented independent agents for 116 years. IIAC currently represents more than 400 member agencies and their associates as well as their 3600-plus employees. I come to you today to speak in support of Senate Bill 4.
Senate Bill 4 will allow Connecticut drivers the presentation of an automobile insurance identification card by electronic format.  Cell phones, iPads, and numerous other portable devices are used by the majority of Connecticut’s population.  The availability of app’s by insurance companies to provide their customers with information on their policy or to report a claim is also an increasing component of the current technology.  Connecticut drivers benefit from the use of this technology and the addition of electronic proof of insurance would be welcomed in our state.
Senate Bill 4 will allow Connecticut to join the 38 states that have proactively enacted legislation to allow the use of electronic proof of insurance. 
We urge the committee to support Senate Bill 4.
In Favor of proposed bill 5383 An Act Concerning the Use of Electronic Insurance Cards
Proposed Bill 5930 An Act Concerning Electronic Automobile Insurance Cards 
On February 9, 2015, IIAC President, Warren Ruppar, presented the following testimony to the Transportation Committee:
Members of the Transportation Committee, my name is Warren Ruppar and I am President of the Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut.  The Independent Insurance Agents of Connecticut is a trade association which has been located in Connecticut and has represented independent agents for 116 years.  IIAC currently represents more than 400 member agencies and their associates as well as their 3600-plus employees. IIAC supports the concepts of Proposed Bills 5383 and 5930.
Proposed Bills 5383 and Proposed Bill 5930 will allow Connecticut drivers “the use of electronic insurance cards for the purposes of motor vehicle traffic stops and automobile registration.”  Cell phones, iPads, and numerous other portable devices are used by the majority of Connecticut’s population.  The availability of app’s by insurance companies to provide their customers with information on their policy or to report a claim is also an increasing component of the current technology.  Connecticut drivers benefit from the use of this technology and the addition of electronic proof of insurance would be welcomed in our state.
Proposed Bills 5383 and Proposed Bill 5930 will allow Connecticut to join the 37 states that have proactively enacted legislation to allow the use of electronic proof of insurance. 
We urge the committee to support the concepts in Proposed Bill 5383 and Proposed Bill 5930.