Education Classes You Want. Where You Want Them . When You Want Them.
Tailored Training brings Big I CT's extensive array of courses to your staff on your terms and in your office.
With a choice of days and times available - you can pick the time that's most convenient for you.
Choose a topic to strengthen your team or help employees gain designations with Institutes courses. Our education team provides more than just credits - we arm your staff with the knowledge they need to help your agency be more successful.
You can choose the courses you want from a list of over 100 programs currently approved for CE, led by a professional trainer with years of insurance experience.
- Property & Casualty courses
- Life courses
- Agency Management
- Designation courses (ACSR) OR...
- Big I CT can develop a class on a topic of your choice! Please plan as far in advance as possible - a customized class requires additional time.