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Government & Regulations

Big I CT has your back in Hartford & Washington D.C.

We've always been in the lead on important regulatory and legislative issues for agents.  In Connecticut, the team meets regularly with the Insurance Commissioner and department staff to discuss current market conditions and consumers issues. Our lobbyist, FOCUS Government Affairs, works with the Connecticut Legislature, the executive branch in Connecticut, the U.S. Congressional Representatives and Senators for Connecticut, the Connecticut Insurance Department, the Connecticut Banking Department, the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection, and other regulatory agencies to insure a sound legislative and regulatory atmosphere for independent agents and their customers.  Our team utilizes the highly effective grassroots strength of the Big I CT membership and lobbying. Agent issues are advanced through the direct lobbying and the building of coalitions with numerous insurance industry representatives, trade associations and business organizations. 

In Washington DC, our talented Government Affairs team works tirelessly to protect your business and the industry. Click here for more information on the important work being done on a federal level and for ways you can be involved. There is not a stronger and well-respected group advocating for you on a federal level than IIABA.

Stay Updated -  Read The Blog

Read the 2025 Position Paper

Invest in your future!

When you donate to InsurPAC, you know you're helping support the very people who are working to ensure your ease of doing business.

Donate Now

InsurPAC - Your Federal PAC

InsurPac is the Political Action Committee of the Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America (IIABA). This non-partisan political action committee raises funds for contributions to candidates for national office on behalf of independent agents. Contributions support Federal candidates only. InsurPAC is a vital part of the IIABAs Government Affairs program a program that includes professional lobbying, legislative analysis, grassroots contacts, and long-term political relationships.

Some of our current initiatives include:

  • Agent licensing reform
  • Federal crop insurance
  • Health care
  • Insurance regulatory reform
  • NFIP and natural disaster risk
  • Taxes
  • Terrorism Insurance

"An investment in your career and future."

It is no accident that Connecticut remains one of Americas finest insurance states, much of that is success attributed to IIAC's active political involvement. Since insurance is and should remain an industry regulated by the state, it is vital that agents realize the importance of political contributions. Therefore, IIAC members are called upon to invest in their future by contributing to the political action committee that insures our members will continue to be heard in Washington, D.C.  InsurPac is the cornerstone of our lobbying and legislative efforts.

How to contribute:

InsurPAC can only accept personal checks or online contributions. Federal law requires that InsurPAC receive a signed corporate approval form from all corporate agencies before soliciting contributions. Once a form has been signed and filed with the state or national office, contributions from individuals may be solicited and accepted by InsurPAC. Business organization contributions are not permitted. All contributions to InsurPAC must be by personal check.

You can contribute online or send the InsurPAC contribution form along with your payment to InsurPAC in care of:

20 F Street, NW
Suite 610
Washington, DC 20001


Policy Statement Concerning the Compensation and Appointments of Independent Insurance Agents

Agency Company Contracts

Big I CT members have exclusive access company contract reviews.  The Big "I" National legal team reviews agency company contracts to ensure that they are fair and equitable to both parties. They also make recommendations for improvements to the contract language. Agents can use these reviews when negotiating a company contract.

Agreement Guidelines